Fake It … Till You Make It

We’ve all heard the phrases, “dress for success” and “fake it, till you make it,’ and maybe you’ve even tried it in some aspects of your life, but never have those words meant more than when it comes to how you feel and how you look.
If you’re like many of us, you jumped on this roller coaster ride called “life,” and it’s been a wild ride ever since. Whether you graduated from high school or college, got a job or pursued a career, got married or stayed single, had kids or adopted a dog or cat, bought a house or traveled the world, you’ve juggled it all like the superhero that you are. For many, appearance can be that one ball that gets dropped in our juggling act.
Then one day it hits you. “SCREECH!” You look in the mirror, and this time you really see yourself. The person looking back at you is a modified version of your former self, and those modifications don’t make you happy. You ask yourself …”Where did those love handles or saddle bags come from? Did I always have those bunny lines above my nose? When did a crow leave his foot prints at the corners of my eyes? Didn’t my skin used to glow and wasn’t my hair a lot shinier and bouncier?”
All of us age and all of us face the same problems, sooner or later. As our thirties fade, lines begin to appear, our metabolisms begin to slow, we start to lose collagen and elasticity in our skin, and things begin going south. Wow, that sounds depressing! But wait, there’s good news ladies! There are so many ways to combat aging, we just have to know the “secrets.” It’s beauty sorcery, so to speak, and anyone can conjure up the best of themselves, no matter who you are.
So let’s get started …
The first step is making a few small changes to get healthy and to lose some inches. Yes, we’re all busy, but these hacks are quick and easy, and work with even with the busiest of schedules.
Working From The Inside Out
A youthful glow comes from the inside. Preparation is key!
- Smoothies
On Sunday nights, Chop up kale, ginger, cucumber, banana, pineapple, and your favorite herbs, such as basil or cilantro. Add some chia seeds, flax seeds or hemp seeds and freeze in individual containers. Before showering the next morning, remove one serving from the freezer. Just before you leave the house, pop your frozen concoction into a food pulverizer, pour in some plain Kefir, coconut milk, or almond milk, and blend. Add a top to your container and out the door you go.
- Overnight Oatmeal
This is super easy. Place a serving of oatmeal into individual glass containers or mason jars, add some coconut milk or almond milk, top with chia seeds, flax seeds, or hemp seeds, then add your favorite berries, such as blueberries, raspberries, or strawberries. Close the lid and leave in the refrigerator. Make 5 to last you all week. Eat before you leave the house, or toss in your bag to eat later.
- Salads
Chop up some kale, cilantro, basil, onion, cucumber. Toss in a bowl with salt, pepper, and crushed pepper, then add in some hemp seeds and a bit of dried cranberries. Do not add dressing. Prepare on Sunday nights to have all week.
In a mason jar, add two tablespoons of olive oil, the juice of two lemons, salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, and chopped cilantro. Store in fridge to use as dressing. Before you leave the house for the day, grab your mixed greens and place in a tupperware container, taking your little jar of dressing with you.
- Eggs
Boil a dozen eggs and store in the refrigerator. Toss a couple in your mouth as you go out the door, or keep in your bag for later.
- Working On The Outside
The number one thing you can do for your body is to get moving and keep moving. Yes, I know time is limited, but with Tabata or HIIT, there are no excuses because in 10 minutes you’re done!
- Tabata or HIIT
These interval training sessions have been magic for so many whose lives are so overbooked. With just a 10 to 20 minute workout, you’ll burn more calories and fat than 40 minutes on a Stairmaster, walking, or running. Download an interval timer and start out with a 10 minute routine of 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest repeated for 4 minutes then a 1 minute rest, and go again.
- Resistance Training
Replace lost fat with some muscle to prevent sagging skin. Add some weights or resistance bands to your workout routine by either adding them into your Tabata session, or doing them on your off days.
- Beauty Fake Outs
Now for the fun stuff! Let’s glam up a bit!
- Spanx
If you still have some inches to lose, and who doesn’t, Spanx are the way to go. For a smooth silhouette in a dress, Spanx will pull you in and hold you tight.
- Fake Eyelashes
There was a time when women wouldn’t admit to wearing false eyelashes, now they are the big thing. They really open up your eyes and take the focus off any wrinkles around your eyes. You can go glam or subtle, with many different styles from cat eye to full blown long lashes. If you can’t afford to get them done professionally, try lash alternatives that you can buy at your local beauty supply store, pharmacy, or even online. Have you seen the latest … magnetic eyelashes, where you can pop them on in seconds, and take them off before bed. How cool is that?
- Lip Plumpers
Full lips can give you a more youthful look. Now don’t go overboard and try the Kylie Challenge, or you could end up with bruised lips and a trout pout. Instead, exfoliate your lips at night and apply a lip moisturizer. Repeat in the morning, and try one of the many lip plumping lipsticks and glosses.
- Contouring
Contour like a pro just by watching a few YouTube videos, then shop your favorite make up store, such as Sephora, Ulta, Mac, and many more. Contouring can create an illusion that plays down your flaws and enhances your beauty. Slim your nose, pop out those cheekbones, and chisel that jaw line.
- Bras
A good bra can give you that youthful perk you once had, and we all want that! Choose a bra that not only pushes up, but pushes in. Give your girls an even bigger boost with make up contouring. A little highlighter on your peaks and bronzer in those valleys, and boom, you just went up a whole cup size!
- Hair Color
Many women begin going blond as they age. That can age you overnight, instead go for the rich browns or reds and when you add some strategically placed highlights can hide grays, but give you that shiny, bouncy looking head of hair that you had in your youth. Remember not to choose a shade that is more than 2 shades darker or lighter than your natural color. Who doesn’t love a good Bayalage or Ombre … they are the best of both worlds.
- Length
Another thing many women do is cut their hair as they get older. Unless you love a particular style, like the new bobs and angled bobs that are hot today, keep your length. Shoulder length hair can be worn at any age, and gives you many options in buns, braiding, and up dos. As long as you get it cut every 8 weeks and keep it healthy, your hair will be your crowning glory.
- Style
Bangs go a long way in creating a more youthful look. They also cover forehead wrinkles and imperfections. From full straight bangs to side swept bangs, go with a look that suits your face shape. If your face is looking thin or gaunt, go with some big curls. A straight sleek look works will with a fuller face.
- Extensions
If your hair has gotten thinner or just won’t grow, hair extensions have come a long way. You can have them professional done, or buy some at your beauty supply store, that are high quality and made of real human hair. Pop them in when you go out, and take them out at night. You can even style them before putting them in, using a curling iron or straightener. Add some fun colors like pink or purple, too, without damaging your real hair.
Remember that it’s who are you inside that counts, but let’s face it, we all want to turn heads. You don’t need to look like a movie star, or be the best looking in the room, but looking your best gives you the confidence to strut your stuff. Always moisturize, eat healthy, move your body, and use some beauty fake outs, and no matter what your age, you’ll always have that youthful glow!